Gender Identity, Physical Ability, Culture, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Religion/Spirituality, Socioeconomic Status, Birthplace, Age, Language/Dialect


We bring together diverse stakeholders in our coaching, training, leadership development, and social justice work.

Explore our services below.

Organizational Development

GCG offers clients consultation services that assist in improving performance, identifying strategic goals, building effective teams and communication, and fostering individual leadership.

“exceptional ability to effectively engage all partners and stakeholders in conceptualizing planning frameworks”.

— Principal, Beecher Jackson, Inc.

image with text in the form of a word cloud which lists the importance of: organizational culture, management, company, symbols, expertise, stories, satisfaction, knowledge, behavior, leadership, and more.

Photo by Grasko/iStock / Getty Images

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access & Belonging

We specialize in innovative education and training programs that can help you address diversity issues and implement authentic, sustained inclusive practices. At its core, our goal is to achieve social justice.

Our modules include: Organizational Assessment, Awareness, Talent Development, Engagement and Interpersonal Communication Competencies, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Mentoring

“…quite adept in engaging groups, eliciting involvement, self reflection for our programs on diversity, inclusion-exclusion, tolerance.”

— Beverly LeMay, Program Manager, Museum of Tolerance

image of a sign that says, You Belong. with colorful chalk background and thriving plants along the sides.

EXECUTIVE & Leadership Coaching

Dr. Gunn can provide transformative executive, career and personal coaching. Her approach can unlock potential, help to clarify goals, identify strengths and challenges, and nurture a purpose-driven path to satisfaction and fulfillment.

“ . . nothing short of inspiring, insightful, intuitive, visionary.”

— Dean, Counseling, Retention and Student Wellness, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA.

"I have learned new skills and grown in my professional development as a leader."

— Executive Coaching Client

"[Dr. Gunn was] genuinely interested in helping me grow as a leader, get the most out of our sessions and reach my goals."

— Executive Coaching Client, Airport Marina Counseling Service

image of a hand writing on a checkered notepad, making a list.

Training and Facilitation

GCG Associates are highly skilled in the areas of Training, Facilitation and Train-the-Trainer. We can support your efforts to achieve the results you desire by shaping and guiding a learning and skill development process.

“As a planning consultant ... her skill in engagement, facilitation and collaboration was exceptional.”

— Division Chief, Workforce, Education and Training, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

image of a group of 15 people, mostly women of diverse backgrounds and race, gathering in a medium-sized meeting room.